Whether you are new to First Atlantic Bank or an existing staff; a customer, regulator, security agency personnel, vendor, consultant, supplier, private security guard, janitorial personnel, a visitor, or any other person, you undoubtedly recognize that information is critical to our business operations and success. To maintain the Bank’s established leading position in the banking industry, protecting our client information and intellectual property, information technology resources and any other information asset belonging to us, has been one of our top priorities in the past, now and will continue to be in the future. It is therefore everyone’s responsibility to ensure that all forms of information assets – physical or digital, regardless of the form it takes is handled in a secure manner.
There are three key principles that we apply in securing our information assets:
+ Confidentiality – the protection of information from unauthorized disclosure;
+ Integrity – ensuring the completeness and accuracy of information
+ Availability – ensuring that information is available to authorized users when required.
In order to safeguard First Atlantic Bank’s information assets in accordance with these principles, an Information Management System (ISMS) has been implemented in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001:2013, which mandates the implementation of effective cyber and information security controls, practices, and procedures at all levels across the bank alongside the setting of objectives for information security. A large and diverse range of such measures are available; from specific technical measures such as network firewalls or password controls to general best practices such as ethics and use of the Internet, emails or control of access to information. The Board and Management of First Atlantic Bank is committed to complying with all applicable requirements relevant to information security and providing adequate resources needed to establish and maintain the Information Security Management System.
Information Security is fundamental to our business and is required to help us maintain our leadership role in the industry. Management is committed to the continual improvement of the Information Security Management System in line with our business objectives and requirements These objectives are communicated to the relevant stakeholders and appropriately monitored and measured to ensure their success. Protection of First Atlantic Bank’s information assets is everyone’s responsibility, and information security starts with you.
2.0. Information Security Management System Objectives:
Based on the requirements and factors set out in the policy statement, the following major objectives are set for ISMS:
+ Safeguard 100% of our customers’ privacy, confidentiality, and data integrity, while ensuring the availability of the bank’s information assets at all times.
+ Provide assurance of Information Systems resilience by 98%
+ Achieve 95% improvement in the bank’s information security awareness culture by the year 2025.